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Bernhard Kathan

October 2021
Bernhard Kathan, born in Fraxern, Vorarlberg in 1953. Lives and works in Innsbruck. His art projects are committed to experimentation and consistently move on the threshold of the perceptible.
Operator of the HIDDEN MUSEUM. His book publications include: "Schöne neue Kuhstallwelt" [Brave New Cowshed World], "Hungerkünstler" [Hunger Artist], "Wir sehen Tiere an" [We Are Looking at Animals],
";... alles eine Fortsetzung von Dachau und Mauthausen?’ Die Briefe des österreichischen Publizisten Nikolaus Hovorka" [; ... everything a continuation of Dachau and Mauthausen? The letters of the Austrian journalist Nikolaus Hovorka].